Complete Blockchain Development Roadmap ? What is Blockchain and how to get started? Salary in India

Anuj Bhaiya

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Hey guys, The most AWAITED video on Blockchain is here. We'll be talking about how you can start your Blockchain Career. We'll talk about what you need to learn to become a successful blockchain Application Developer.


We'll be talking about:
What is Blockchain?
What do Blockchain Developers ACTUALLY do?
Which companies hire Blockchain developers?
How much Blockchain developers make?
How long would it take for me to become a Blockchain developer?
Pre-requisites to start learning Blockchain development
What to learn?
Smart Contracts - Solidity
Ganache - to setup local blockchain network
Truffle - development env on EVM,
Web3js - library which allows you to connect to local or remote ethereum node using HTTP/Web sockets
Metamask - used to access your wallet on the ethereum by web browser through an extension
Best Resources for Blockchain development:
Coursera -
YouTube -
Dapp University, 3Blue1Brown

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